
Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Upside Down Writing

Have you ever wanted to freak people out with some crazy text? Now you can do exactly that by writing your text upside down with our flip text generator! Start by entering your text below and it will be flipped for you.

160th Anniversary of the First World's Fair / Google Doodle Today

Google changing its logo in accordance with the celebrated moment. This day is 160th Anniversary of the First World's Fair and Google doodle today is special to remember it.

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Tombol Hide and Show

Lagi senengnya share tentang hide and show ni teman, pada artikel sebelumnya membuat chatbox hide and show.. Nah kali ini saya akan share cara bikin tombol hide and show, seperti pada category di sidebar kanan, cekidot caranya:
  1. Tab Rancangan, Elemen Halaman
  2. Tambah Gadget, HTML/JavaScript
  3. Copas kode berikut:

Hide and Show Chatbox

Chatbox atau Guest Book berikut cukup menarik, karena tersembunyi di sebelah sidebar dan akan muncul ketika diklik tombolnya. Berikut caranya:
  1. Login ke Akun Blogger
  2. Daftar terlebih dahulu di
  3. Tab Rancangan, Elemen Halaman
  4. Tambah Gadget, HTML/JavaScript
  5. Copas kode berikut:

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Script Animasi Teks mengikuti Cursor

Wow, cursor saya di ikuti teks.. hehehe, mau mencoba?
Berikut caranya:
  1. Pada Tab Rancangan, Edit html.
  2. Cari kode <./head>, Ctr + F
  3. Copy paste kode dibawah ini di atas kode </head> :